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S3 helps found new networks forum
Wednesday, August 09 2000
by Che Golden

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Silicon & Software Systems (S3) has become a founder member of CPIX (Common Programming Interface), the industry forum defining standards for the next generation network processors.

Network processors, the technology behind high-speed networks, are one of the hottest growth areas in the communications industry. They support enormous data rates while delivering improvements in time-to-market and product lifetime.

CPIX has been set up to ensure that the next generation of programmable processors will be interoperable. "S3 got involved with CPIX because this has to be the most rapidly growing Internet area," said director of sales and business development Bernard Neeson. "Network processors will be the engines that run all the routers, hubs and switches world wide and all fixed processors will be moving to programmable ones.

"The move from fixed to programmable processors is like moving from a dumb terminal environment to a PC one," he continued. "Someone has to write the software for this new environment.

"Internet usage is also growing at a phenomenal rate and that raises issues of traffic management, service management and network management - software is the key to solving these problems. CPIX has recognised this and is bringing together all the disparate groups and ensuring they work together to develop compatible and interoperable software."

S3 specialises in both the design of network processor hardware and software systems and is working on a number of projects with high-tech customers in the communications industry. CPIX brings together 20 companies in the network processor area, including IBM, Lucent, Motorola, S3 and others.

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