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DNG launches property SMS service
Thursday, October 18 2001
by Louise Carroll

Irish mobile services firm Rtn2Sndr has launched a new SMS service with Douglas
Newman Good Commercial for property hunters to access the latest property
Mark Mulhern, executive director of Rtn2Sndr told ElectricNews.Net, "This is
the first of a number of information services we plan to rollout. We have a
non-exclusive arrangement with DNG (Douglas Newman Good) so we'd like to roll
this service out for other property companies."

Mulhern continued "Because it would only cost them about IEP5,000 for the set
up and rollout, we think the cost/benefit analysis will encourage other companies
to take up the service."

The service has a dedicated mobile number and a unique code for each property
being advertised. After a user sends a text to the number, he receives a reply
with details of the specified property such as dimensions, lease length, auction
date and contact details. In this way, property hunters can access information
that is on the DNG Web site on their mobile phones. Mulhern expects that 100
properties will be on the DNG SMS service in the next few weeks.

Mulhern explained that Rtn2Sndr is hosting and supporting the service for DNG. It
runs on a Xiam information router supplied by Eircell, who also provides network
connectivity for the service. Rtn2Sndr did the development work with its own
proprietary software to have DNG's service live in three months.

Mulhern added, "Ireland is now one of the top 'texting' countries in the world,
Eircell has said that there are just over 3 million messages a day sent in

SMS information services are growing at a dramatic rate as consumers are expected
to access more data and advanced information services in the future. Currently
the business community is the main user base for information services on SMS.

Lars Vestergaard, research manager for wireless and mobile communications in
Europe at IDC told ElectricNews.Net, "Business users use SMS, but they largely
use it for information services. A lot of information is sent over SMS including
WAP services, traffic reports, and so forth."

Vestergaard continued, "We expect to see the major users of personal SMS
services, who now are mostly teenagers and consumers, to start using SMS for
information services like these. This will then move into more advanced data
services that we are starting to see and will be a big revenue generator in the
near future."

Rtn2Sndr was launched by Mulhern and Donald Douglas in March of this year.
Already the firm has announced a number of partnerships and clients include
Viacom Outdoor, Ebow and Win|Win.

Rtn2Sndr has offices in Ireland and the UK and can be found on the Web at HREF=" http://www.rtn2sndr.com">http://www.rtn2sndr.com.


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