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I'm talking mobile again, but this time it's a question of how/if the public are going to be able to access the new services being planned by the mobile manufacturers and the networks.
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BuildOnline links up with UK builders
Friday, August 04 2000
by Barry McCall

The UK's National Federation of Builders (NFB) has signed an exclusive agreement
with construction e-marketplace BuildOnline. The NFB, which has 4,000 members, and BuildOnline will work in partnership to
promote e-commerce usage and adoption amongst the NFB's members, with a series of
regional seminars to provide assistance to members on how to take advantage of
the benefits of e-commerce on construction projects.

The NFB will recommend that its members use BuildOnline's range of efficiency
applications such as on-line design, tendering and e-procurement to improve
business performance.

BuildOnline estimates that "e-construction" - using e-commerce during the
construction process - can reduce the cost of construction projects by up to 23
percent and reduce the time it takes to build by up to 15 percent. To date the
site has signed up more than 3,000 suppliers and has helped in the design, tender
and procurement of more than EUR1 billion worth of projects.
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