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Alcatel owns employee's thoughts
Thursday, August 15 2002
by The Register

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A US man says he will appeal a court's decision which ruled that an idea that existed only in his mind belonged to his employer, writes Tim Richardson.

Since 1975, Evan Brown has been working on an idea to convert old computer code so that it can be run on modern machines.

When Brown mentioned the idea to his employers while he worked for DSC Communications of Plano, Texas (subsequently bought by Alcatel) DSC decided it owned the rights to Brown's insight and demanded that he reveal his idea. Brown refused and he was fired. DSC then launched legal action against him to gain possession of his thoughts.

Almost six years later and Brown has finally been told by a judge that DSC is entitled to his idea. He has also been told to stump up USD332,000 in legal costs. Throughout the legal process Brown maintained that he had never written down the idea, only solved part of it while employed by DSC and thought of some of it outside office hours.

His former employer maintained that he had signed a contract which contained a clause giving DSC ownership rights of any of his "inventions."

Brown's idea was deemed to be an "invention."

On his Web site Brown claims he has been "railroaded" and has vowed to appeal. He also launched a scathing attack on the justice system in Texas.

The Register and its contents are copyright 2002 Situation Publishing. Reprinted with permission.

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