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SkyCom rolls out e-mail-to-mobile service
Thursday, October 28 1999
by Sheila McDonald

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Pre-paid product works with regular e-mail software to send messages to GSM phones

SkyCom has rolled out Go2Mobile, a service that lets customers use a regular e-mail package to send messages to any GSM mobile phone.

Customers register for Go2Mobile on-line at http://www.go2mobile.com

There, they must specify the e-mail addresses of the recipients they want to send messages to. Customers pay an annual registration fee of IEP49 for each e-mail recipient they specify, and must also pre-pay for a set number of system credits (minimum purchase is 500 messages for IEP50). One credit is equal to one e-mail message.

Once customers have registered and purchased credits, they can use their e-mail software to create a message in the usual way, inserting any mobile number -- including the country code -- before the @go2mobile.com address. For example, or

There is no restriction according to mobile carrier. Messages can be sent to GSM customers using Eircell, Esat or any other carrier on the GSM network.

More information from Tel. or on-line at http://www.go2mobile.com


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