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DSL enjoying steady growth abroad
Friday, March 02 2001
by Kevin O' Brady

Digital subscriber line (DSL) technology is enjoying huge growth both in the
United States and Korea, according to isp-planet.com.
At the end of 2000, there were some 2.3 million DSL subscribers in the United
States and nearly 1.5 million in Korea, according to a report by isp-planet in
January 2001.
In November 2000, according to isp-planet, the numbers of subscribers to DSL
Internet Service Providers in the United States was as follows: SBC-
767,000;Verizon-540,000;Covad-274,000; Qwest-255,000;Bell South-215,000;North
Point-100,000 plus; Rythyms-67,000;Broadwig-41,000; NAS-11,000; and New
These figures represent a 400 percent growth in the numbers of DSL subscribers
from 1999, according to isp-planet. Furthermore, the numbers are expected to more
than double during 2001, according to the company.
These numbers indicated that there is substantial growth of DSL in the US,
however an Eircom spokesperson claims there had been "huge problems with
delivery and cost" of DSL services abroad.
For its part, Eircom is not currently offering any pricing for DSL services,
although it remains on track to begin offering the service from 01 April 2001,
said the spokesperson. Industry speculation has put the date at June or later
however. Eircom has an ongoing DSL trial with its employees.
The company does not yet have any projections as to the likely uptake of DSL
services here, added the spokesperson.
Initially it was reported that Eircom expected to begin its own trials with DSL
technology in June or July 2000. The technology would lead to the introduction of
high-speed broadband services such as video and music on demand along existing
telephone wires before the end of 2000.
In December 2000, a decision as to whether to allow Eircom to offer licensed
television services over DSL was delayed by the telecoms regulator, Etain Doyle.
At that point, Eircom was conducting DSL trials with UK company Yes TV.
More recently, in February 2001, several operators pulled out of DSL trials here
on account of the high costs involved and difficulties in accessing Eircom's
local network.
As a consequence, Eircom and Esat are the only companies in Ireland who are
likely to offer high-speed "always on" Internet access when Eircom allows
bitstream access to its network from 01 April, 2001.

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